this is sompthing im dong to destress so these pages are as good as im feeling up to. keep that in mind please! dont know really how to describe this but like it's a box of bra buds behind a case of bra buds behind a bra bud?
Bra buds! what the heck is that??!?! well ya see, trans females, (mtf) dont imidiatly get hrt like some steryotypes show. in some countrys it can take YEARS to get hrt, and in some less safe places like the us, it might not be available at all! so we had to make some other things up!
comparason image whith like 3 colors in a simple artstyle showing a bra whith a breast, the bra is filled and correct looking, a bra whith a flat chest, the bra is odd and deformed, and a bra w a flat chest and a bra bud and it looks fine again! benifits and downsides! well, youd expect the bra buds to work w any old bra, as someone who doesnt yet have breasts i wouldent have known this, but some bras are better than others apperintly, most people dont notice it nearly as much as there breasts are attaced to them, but w the bra buds you certintly will. using a cheap poliesterish sportsbra whith these things youll noticing them moving around a lot when you walk and move heres an example of that! first heres no bra at all
first with no bra
you can see my gynecomastia....
now whith a cheaper sports bra
using the cheap blue bra
now the cheap bra whith the bra buds
using the cheap blue bra, and also the bra budds
ya see? it's not really,... anything. at least not noticble.. lets try this again whit a higher quality amazon bra. onece again, first no bra,
again, first, no bra.
you can see my gynecomastia....
now whith a real nice sports bra
the tighter but better white bra is worn
now the good bra whith the bra buds
now w bra budds and it looks good!