Welcome To


Hows it goin, im tonii, welcome to cockandballs.restaurant's shoddy homepage. how'd you get here anyway? doesn't matter to me really.

This site is a project between tons of my friends to just have fun and make cool good cool cool stuffs cool.

The Menu

click the pictures to view each person's blog!!!!


Hi, I'm the owner, and the person. I do the things.


discord: @goober_tony


I'm Rowan! I'm also trans, and also do some things! Also, I eat granite*

*for legal reasons, this is not true

find me online! [cool sunglasses man]

István Sam

The only thing you need to know about me is that I am currently working on some project that will never be finished.


Farewell Lunna

im Ashley, sometimes i draw pixel art and code some stuff, and i collect old consoles
